Base chassis, tractor - TT-4M-01
Operating power of the tractor engine, kW (hp) - 95 (130)
Rated power of the generator / power plant /, kW - 100
Rated operating voltage, V
Current frequency, Hz - 50
Welding equipment (power source, wire feeder): VD-306DK (VD-506DK-04) (DS-400); (LN-23) FEB-315 ("MAGMA") _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ STT-II (LF-37) (DS-400) (M300-220)
Number of DC welding posts, pcs. :
- manual welding - 4
- semi-automatic and automatic welding - 2Rated AC auxiliary equipment voltage, V ~220
Number of drying chambers, pcs. — 1
Number of thermal cases ТП8/130,
PCS. — 4The mass of a single load of electrodes in the drying chamber, kg - 50
Boom capacity, kg - 1000
Area for cylinders:
- cylinder for welding gas - 6
- propane tank - 2Overall dimensions in transport position, mm
- length - 7915
- width - 2700
- height (without boom) - 3860 (3350)Weight, no more than, kg — 20000
